Situation 1: STRANDED
1. First off, many people do not even know how to use a compass (so I have one up on these yahoos), but this would be an important item to bring on a long hike.
2. Mark tree trunks with the direction you are going so that search teams can find you or you can find your way back.
3. Yell for help. Watch out for rock walls or trees, because these make it difficult to decipher what direction you are yelling from. My only problem with this one is that if you are lost in the woods, the second you find a spot with no trees...you are found, you are in civilization, right?
4. Use a CD to reflect light and get attention. I lose on this one...I would just have my iPod.
5. Now this is the craziest one that I found...Get a chunk of ice. Shape it with the palm of your hand and polish it. When it is clear, hold it perpendicular to the sun and eventually it will create enough heat to start a flame! That is crazy, ice creating fire.
Situation2: How to survive an animal attack
Facts: Bears can weigh up to 1800 lbs.
The bite force from a cougar can crush a human skull
330,000 cougars and bears currently roam in the US.
Let's Learn...
1. Don't feed them. Done.
2. Make noise...don't catch them by surprise. Let them know you are not food. Clap your hands, yell, etc.
3. Freeze. Never turn your back on a cougar or bear. Don't run- they can run 35 mph. No chance.
4. Don't act submissive. Stand tall and slowly/quitely walk away
5. Fight back. That's right. Fight back. Aim your blows in sensitive areas such as the eyes, face, and nose. Use anything you have like a walking stick, rock, or your chuck norris fist.
1. Play dead and protect your head and neck.
2. Don't try and climb tha

3. Once animal is gone, let out a giant sigh of relief... YOU JUST SURVIVED!
I hope a cougar tries to come my way...just wait till I get my fingers in those eyes! Pow!