So, I thought I would post about my experience overseas this past summer. Mostly because I've been receiving hate mail from my sister threatening me if I don't. OK, well, that might be a bit dramatic, but you get the point. So, I'll try and list my favorite memories, travels, and experiences so that I don't loose you after a few paragraphs.
1. The Great Wall. Need I say more? Well, if I were to say more, I would say that we were outrageously blessed with a gorgeous day, in which China only has to offer a few blue skies every once-in-a-while. The feeling of being a little ant amongst gynormous hills and mountains has new meaning. God is good at what He does!
2. The Owens Family. They are an amazing family and we were able to spend a lot of time with them. We'd go over for lunch (5 minute bike ride) and then hang out with the kids (8 in all!). I learned a lot about the country, the people, and many different political issues that went on. Also got a good look at how they raise their kids and how they have taken in 4 orphans. I have many favorite memories of the kids and Bill Cosby is so right, kids do say the darnedest things!
3. Bring M

4. Hangin' with my friend Lydia. It was so great to be able to spend time with Lydia, who lives there now. We were able to do a lot together....even pain

5. Chinese people. They are so funny. There is always this idea in my mind, a lie really, that people from different cultures will not have the same humor. But, it's a lie. I mean, many were not able to pick up on sarcasm, in which I had to restrain myself a bit, but there were 2 of my friends there that actually did pick up on it and loved it. Needless to say, these were my favorite friends. Not to mention the dynamics of our friendship. We were able to go from laughing out loud to a very serious conversation. That type of friendship is to be valued.

I like the new background! The only thing that would make it more "you" would be burnt orange dots. Close enough:)