I have a conversational English partner and we meet every week. When I first met her, she asked to study the Bible. I first laughed a few Godly chuckles, and then gladly accepted that offer. We started in the book of John.
We typically go to Church together and then get coffee afterwards to have a little 'Latte and the Lord' time. The first time we went to Church together, the message was on baptism. What did we read that night? About John the Baptist. What a "coincidence". There have been many such coincidences, in which God completely has set up.
Every time we talked, I had to stop myself from saying words like "we" or refer to her as a Christian. She believed in God when we first met, but wasn't completely convinced that Jesus really was the source of life. And if you don't believe or follow Jesus, I would then ask, "how can you be considered a Christ follower, or what some say, a Christian?" By the way, I sometimes use the term, Christian, but sometimes that gets lost in translation. So I prefer Christ follower.
So with each week we met, I kept thinking, this is the night...her new life is about to begin. With every week leading up to this point she was closer and closer. Last week I almost asked her...are you ready yet! But with a dose of some holy spirit style patience, I was able to more tactfully ask her that question. Not ready yet.
Yesterday was May 1st. I ask you, what would be a better time to start a new life in Christ then on May 1st?! I mean, you start New Year's resolutions on the beginning of the year so there is definitely something about the start of a new year, month, week, day that gives you the feeling of a fresh start. So, we were hanging out in the least attractive type of place having one of the most glorious conversations. We went through a lot of verses about all sin being offensive in God's eyes and how that separates us from him. The biggest thing that held her back was that she didn't know much of the bible. She had the understanding (which I might quickly address as a cunning lie) that in order to become a member of God's family, you have to know all of the bible first. I quickly assured her that if that was true...I would be an orphan.
So, after all of that, one of the most beautiful prayers was prayed. Tears flowed, emotions ran high (please forgive me for slipping in a line from one of my favorite movies...I hope that makes God laugh a bit and doesn't ruin the mood) and Lisha's name was written in the Book of Life. I must admit, looking in on the outside I would dub this as slightly cheesy, but the outflow of our heart was to celebrate and we were both so filled with joy. I mean, seriously, eternal life for someone had just begun...who wouldn't want to jump up and down for that!!?!?!
And, here's a picture of a little birthday celebration with some delicious ice cream. Happy Birthday to Lisha! Our new sister.
Yay! So glad you were able to be there!