Friday, June 12, 2009

Fail Blog by Tracy

Well, It has been a while since my last post...and a lot has happened! I have basically been traveling the US for the past few weeks. Started of with a trip to Minneapolis for a friends wedding. This is the truest form of my "fail blog" because my friend and I missed the wedding! Turns out a combination of bad directions from mapquest (not sure why I veered away from google!) and our oblivion to the fact that Minneapolis is HUGE! Next trip was to Chicago for a spinning workshop. I had just enough time for a jog along Lake Michigan and a great cup of coffee at a little Italian Cafe down the road. I learned a lot, got some good rides in, and am now a Certified Spinning Instructor! And the last and most favorite is my trip to the Big Apple! This was a "work trip" but mostly just because it was with people who workout at the place I work with and my boss did all of the planning. We toured around Central Park, SoHo, Little Italy, and saw Wicked! We lucked out with 2nd row seats which was outrageous. We were so close that you could see them spitting while they were talking and singing. Oh, the simple joys. So, I'm close to my next big adventure which is to East Asia. 13 days and counting.