Sunday, January 10, 2010

Here's to the CranPumpkin Soup

There is a comedian who has greatly affected my humor. He has a joke about how great of a salesman Cran-man is. Cran-man goes into the grocery store and gets in to all the fruit drinks...cranapple, cran-orange, cran-banana, I could go on for days. Well, Cran-man paid me a visit and managed to make a pitch to my Pumpkin soup and it is here to stay!

This soup was a new experience. I had a good feeling about it so I had to keep track of my measuring...which is not a natural thing for me. I'm the type of cook that likes just throwing in last minute ideas, more of a feeler. But for this one, I knew it was going to be good so I measured most everything out (minus the few things I guessed on, naturally). So, without further ado, here it is:

Cranberry Pumpkin Soup
1 30-oz Can Pumpkin
1 C Butternut Squash (pureed)
1 C Milk
½ C Half & Half
1 t. Salt
2 C Water

Cranberry Mixture:
1 C Cranberries (Raw)
½ C Sugar Syrup (agave or honey)
1 C Water

Pureed Cranberries w/ Orange and Apple
Crushed Glazed Walnuts

1. Peel and dice whole butternut squash. Put on cooking sheet and roast for ~30minutes (400-450 degrees). Meanwhile, boil 1 cup water and add ½ cup syrup. Then at the cranberries and boil down.

2. Puree the cooked squash and add 1cup to cranberry mixture. Pour in can of pumpkin. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a simmer.

3. Pour in bowl and garnish like a pro!

Nutritional Data: (which I would describe as...well, out of control!)
Vitamin A: 763% of DV
Vitamin K: 50% of DV
Vitamin C: 16% of DV
Iron: 19 % DV
Fiber: 7 grams
Protein: 3 grams